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How it works

Discover & Connect

Our adult tours are for those who are curious about discovering the Thailand Adult Nightlife and Red Light Districts.

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    Erotic Adult Entertainment

    Our tour guides will entertain you over 2 evenings at Thailand's Red Light Districts.

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    Limited Numbers per Tour

    To ensure adequate time to sight-see all aspects of the nightlife, we are limited to certain numbers.

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    Make a Booking

    If you think this trip is right for you, please proceed to the booking form.


Popular Questions

View some important information about out tour to make sure it's right for you.

Getting Started
Is this right for me?

If you have even wanted to discover the red light districts of Thailand but are unsure where to start or uncertain given the local culture, this trip is a great way to learn about proper ettiquette and how to avoid scams, ghosting, breadcrumbing and a host of other pitfalls for first time travellers that can be extremely costly and even land you in prison.

What's invloved?

At 5pm each evening the group with convene at the hotel where we will have a 1 hour discussion about the nights activities. We will also raise important do's & dont's during the seminars.

Where do we meet?

Once your booking is made we will send you hotel details. You can choose to stay at the same hotel as the guides or find other close accomodations within your budget. We will meet at a designated hotel at 5pm on the start date of the tour.

How do we Communicate?

There will be a group chat on Line or Messenger where we send out notifications and you can also reach out to us with any queires during the day. We can assist you getting a Thai sim card or you can use International Roaming on your carrier.

Why Should i use Adult Tours?

Being in a group is always safer. We can advise of the best places to visit so you do not get scammed, conned or assualted. The Thai culture is very different to the West and newcomers can find themselves in hot water fast.

What is the Price for the 2 Day Tour?

We charge US$1295 per person for each 2 day tour. This includes 2 evenings starting at 5pm. Adult Tours only covers taxi fares to and from venues. Any flights, accomodations, drinks, food and other expenses are incurred by the members.

Usage Guides
Your Concern is Ours

If you are sick, unwell or find yourself in a predicament while on your tour, we are there to support you. If you do not check in for your 5pm meeting, we will come and find you to ensure everything is ok.

Why travel with Adults Tours?

- Travelling with a group of people is safer
- Members of the group will look out for eachother (food poisoning)
- Visiting a new country with different culture
- Do's & Don't to keep you out of jail
- Avoid being scammed with our e-guide and daily discussions
- Meeting new people who are likeminded
- Create lasting friendships & memories